Posted by: seahiker | January 15, 2009

Intro to Total Immersion Masters – week 2

This week we’re continuing with the introduction to another basic concept we’ll use from now on: stroke timing and body coordination. That is to say, feeling when to drive the hand into the water with the body’s rotation. We’re seeking to avoid windmilling the arms and staying flat in the water.

Warm Up

MINI LENGTHS #1 (5-10m only)

Do this three times: (Main focus is on balance (head down)

-Skate (no breathing)

-Skate-Switch (take one stroke)-Skate (no breath): take time in skate before and after to balance.

-Swim 2-3 strokes (no breath): Wait until your recovering hand reaches your goggle line before you rotate and perform the switch/stroke.

MINI LENGTHS #2 (5-10m onl

Do this three times: (Main focus is timing of stroke and body rotation)

-Skate (no breathing)

-Skate-Switch (take one stroke)-Skate (no breath): take time in skate before and after to balance. Repeat again if you have enough air, but only if you are relaxed!

-Swim 2-3 strokes (no breath): Wait until your recovering hand reaches your goggle line before you rotate and perform the switch/stroke.

Main Set

With Fins repeat this set 2 times, rest 5-10 breaths between laps:

2 x 25m Skate: Focus is on relaxed head and shoulder and arms. Allow the water to support you.

2 x 25m Skate-Switch-Skate (SSS) with one stroke only. Begin and finish the switch with relaxed head and arms. Breathe in skate position.

2 x 25m SWIM 2-4 strokes, then pause in skate to breathe. Or try swimming with breathing. Your choice.

Without Fins, repeat three times, rest 5-10 breaths between laps:

2 x 25m Skate-Switch-Skate with 2 strokes between skates aka. SSS (2 strokes)

2 x 25m SSS (3 strokes), breathe in skate.

Repeat Main Set again both with and without fins.

SWIM set:

Pick one focus point (head down or hip rotation or stroke timing) and focus on it only for the next set:

5-10 m SSS (2 strokes), breathe in skate (stop and come back before you cover half the pool – this is a short one designed to keep you fresh and develop good technique)

5-10m Swim 3-5 strokes no breathing as perfectly as possible.

Repeat this mini sequence 8 times.

Cool Down

With fins, kick on your back in streamline (arms overhead) 4 x 25m

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